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Safety Hand – Whom to approach when they are in need

Kids are innocent and they are not much aware of whom to approach when they are in need. This need can be anything Bullying, Abuse, or Trauma, etc.

Aim: To make them learn and memorize about whom to approach when they are in need or danger.

Material: paper, pen, and colors

Method: Sit in a comfortable position with the child. Ask your child to draw his or her handprint on the paper. Ask them to say 5 adults to whom they will approach upon feeling unsafe, insecure, or in danger. Write the names which a child provides. Ask them to write the names in the drawn hand fingers. For younger kids naming is enough but for older who can make a phone call and remember the number. Ask them ” to whom you can ring in the need “. You need to keep reminding them either through play or rhyme. Teach them, If one is unreachable or not listening or not trusting them then they can approach others within that 5 names written on the paper.

Remind the child constantly that their hand is always with them, It means they have 5 people to make them secure and safe. If the child has an issue in remembering the name then pin/paste the paper somewhere in the front. It could be on the door, wardrobe, or in the living room. They will read and remember by seeing it regularly.

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