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Creativity Matters

Ways to improve your child's fine motor skills

What we do, we enjoy.

Occupational therapists use their creativity and abilities to plan child care and development schedule. Recently I was contacted by someone with a questionnaire. This outlines the importance of being creative. I thought to share it with all of you. 

How would you define creativity and creative outlets?

Creativity is the art of work that reflects your state of mind and imagination. It does not need any technical skills but needs the ability to think out of the box. It is the ability to develop and express ourselves and our ideas in new ways. Creativity gives a person a sense of fulfillment and joy. It improves self-esteem and gives the confidence to take up new challenges.

A creative outlet is a medium of showcasing your creativity. By this medium, we express our feelings or ideas and it helps in distracting ourselves from our stressful things or situations.

The selection of outlets could vary from person to person. Based on their interest and exposure they can select, it could be writing a blog, cooking, baking, etc.

Why is it important to find creative activities during this situation?

We all understand the situation was not an invited event in our life and we all are affected by it mentally and physically.

Creative activities can help in removing the negative views, diverting from the negative thoughts, and decreasing the ongoing stress. This activity can vary from different age group and some can be done in a group like board games, indoor puzzles, and many more.

What does creativity do for the human body?

Creative activities such as art and craft, drawing, writing, etc help in lower the stress, relax your muscle, reduce indigestion, and helps in creating positive perception towards life. It offers a distraction from reality for a short period which calms the mind.

How does creativity support mental health?

Creativity is Multidisciplinary, it allows you to express yourself, promotes thinking and problem-solving, and reduces stress and anxiety. It allows you to enter your happy zone and have fun.

Can you expand on the positive impact creative outlets have on the brain?

Creative activities allow you to expand neural connections in your brain. It helps in building confidence, self-esteem, positive attitude, and mental well being. These outlets bring happiness and give a vibrant feeling towards life.                 

For example: – appreciating art can help in reducing anxiety and stress and help you to stay calm.

Are there certain creative activities that are better than others?

Creativity is individual so it depends on the person. It’s the feeling that comes with creativity that is important

What should/can people do if you can’t find ways to be creative?

Everybody is born creative, we’re just not born with the specific skill required to create something. and if you can’t find your self doing anything creative then you can start simply by mindful coloring,connect with creative people, incorporate breaks into every workday, take a creative course, channel your inner child and follow videos to learn.

There are many platforms available where you can learn, practice, and be creative by following it.

Does creativity affect the youth differently than it does middle-aged or elderly people? If so, how?

Yes, certainly creativity has a different impact and meaning on the different age groups.

The effect of creativity on youth will improve their learning, problem-solving skills, communication to others and it will reflect their desires. While middle age or elderly will have an impact on their emotions, mental well being, and diversion from stressful life or day to day routine.

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