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About Us

We are so happy that we are here and expanding our vision.

Our Mission & Vision

Welcome to Kioskid

Our mission is to provide essential and learning sources for those parents, professionals, & teachers who are in need & dealing with different set of kids.

We believe each child can learn or enhance their skills by practicing. It is the correct place where you get ideas, worksheets, workshops, and learning.

We Are Different

Our Methods & Techniques

Most of the assignments, workbooks, worksheets, puzzles, games, etc. on the website are free to download and print. Some are available at a nominal cost because it is also essential to incentivize our team’s hard work.

Empowering You

Our Resources

Our resources section includes skill areas such as fine motor, sensory processing, and visual perception, visual-motor integration, self-care, life skills, Activities of daily living, executive functioning, and social skills. We are going to expand our areas soon.

Kioskid is a creative website created from the perspective of an occupational therapist. We aim to empower all individuals who are spending their time searching for resources for their ward or applying them in clinical practice. This website is a perfect place to find learning-based resources without wasting time elsewhere.


Ms. Prerana Saini (Neurology)

Ms Prerana Saini is a distinguished Occupational Therapist with extensive experience spanning over 12 years. Her professional journey has been marked by significant contributions and achievements in occupational therapy.


Professional Experience

Highly Specialist Paediatric Occupational Therapist at NHS (UK)

  – Currently holding this position, Ms Saini provides specialized care and therapy to paediatric patients within the National Health Service in the UK.

Occupational Therapist at Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service (CAMHS)

  – Duration: August 2014 – March 2024

  – Role: Delivered therapeutic interventions to children and adolescents with mental health challenges, enhancing their functional abilities and overall well-being.

Academic Background

  -Master of Occupational Therapy in Neurology (MOT)

  -Bachelor’s Degree in Occupational Therapy (BOT)

Certifications and Affiliations

  – HCPC-UK Certified Occupational Therapist

  -Member of All India Occupational Therapist Association (AIOTA)

  – Member of The National Association for Play Therapy India

  – Licensed Healthcare Practitioner in Qatar (QCHP)

Additional Training and Expertise

ADOS Training – Completed training in the Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule, enhancing her capability to assess and diagnose autism spectrum disorders.

Sensory Integration Course (Module-1) – Gained specialized knowledge in sensory integration, a critical aspect of occupational therapy for children with sensory processing issues.

Online Course: Applying ASI in Tele-health by CLASI– an advanced course on applying Ayres Sensory Integration (ASI) principles in telehealth settings, offered by the Collaborative for Leadership in Ayres Sensory Integration (CLASI).

Play Therapy as a Counselling Tool – Acquired skills in using play therapy to provide counselling and therapeutic interventions for children.

Ms. Saini’s diverse background and ongoing commitment to professional development reflect her dedication to improving the lives of her patients through innovative and evidence-based occupational therapy practices.

Ms. Priyanka Saini


She is a primary teacher who teaches the Cambridge curriculum. She is an educator committed to collaborative learning that engages students, staff, families, and the community. She has a Diploma in Elementary Education. She is committed to student success inside the classroom and in life. She believes that student success created through meaningful relationships.

She uses her creative and innovative skills for teaching rather than traditional methods of teaching. She designs her work for the students in an exciting manner in which students develop cognitive abilities and motor skills.

Ms. Lina Nour


Ms. Lina Nour is a psychologist. She finished university studies majoring in Psychology and is a member of the Educational Awareness Program for Autistic Parents at the Autism Psychological Services Center.


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We are also on youtube, Instagram, and Facebook, so please watch our videos and subscribe to our channel for future updates.


Our open platform is for all hard-working professionals who wish to expand their creative ideas So please join us and share your thoughts.

Share & Grow

We will appreciate it if you like our stuff then do share ahead with families, professionals, and others who can benefit & learn from this.

Our Therapies

Our philosophy is learning through play as

Sensory Play

Sensory Play

Behavior Modification

Behavior Modification



Social Skills

Social Skills

Hand writing

Hand writing Skills

Fine Motor Skills

Perceptual Skills

Perceptual Skills

Executive Function​

Executive Function

Our Blogs

Our philosophy is learning through play