Welcome to Kioskid
A perfect place for education and therapy based resources
It is an online platform that includes occupational therapy and Psychology assessment and intervention planning.
Though online platform, we empower parents and enhance their parenting skills to understand child's behavior.
Every kid presents with different symptoms, and thus we provide customized therapy resources.
Parents are the base of the child's therapy goal, so we are providing psycho-education to the parents.

About Us
Welcome to Kioskid.
We are so happy that we are here and expanding our vision.
Our mission is to provide essential learning resources for those parents, professionals, and teachers who are in need and dealing with a different set of kids. We believe each child can learn and enhance their skills by practising. Kioskid website is the correct place where you get ideas, worksheets, workshops, and learning.

Our Therapies
Our philosophy is learning through play as
Our Results Speak for themselves!
We have received lots of appreciation and love on our Facebook page and YouTube channel. This prompt us to move to this website. We will share all the excellent feedback for this website soon.
Wonderful thank you


Ms. Anika Sharma
Wow! This is great.

It is amazing!!!
The activities are such appealing and powerful, you yourself start feeling the difference. Not only the way they are present but people who helps us in presenting is really appreciable.

Wonderful thank you


Ms. Anika Sharma
Wow! This is great.

It is amazing!!!
The activities are such appealing and powerful, you yourself start feeling the difference. Not only the way they are present but people who helps us in presenting is really appreciable.

Wonderful thank you

Our Blogs
Our philosophy is learning through play